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L to R: Fritz Heede, David Talbott, Wal Thornhill, Nijolė Sparkis

About the Filmmakers

Nlightning artZ consists of the husband-and-wife team of Fritz Heede and Nijolė Sparkis.

Fritz does the camera work, the compiling and editing of visual images, the composing and editing of the music, and the final refinements, mixing and mastering.

Nijolė does the topic research, conducts the interviews, structures the story, writes and records the narrations, and does the initial editing of clips to create the film structure.

The duo have been working for over two decades in various aspects of production and post-production, for clients as diverse as Julian Lennon and Beyond Words Publishing. They have also created music videos for grammy-winning artists Sangeeta Kaur and Danaë Xanthe Vlasse.

“Breaking the Science Barrier” is their third feature-length documentary.
For more information, see their website at NlightningartZ.com.
